Protective Mask – ENG

Poziom trudności

Czas wykonania


S, M, L

Designed in Poland. Product available with English instruction.

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Opis produktu

The protective mask sewing pattern is free. You can download it and print it at home on your desk printer.

Remember that the main purpose of the protective mask is to protect the others and not yourself. But when we cannot really say who is sick and spreading the virus and who is healthy it’s better that everyone wears it. It’s important that you wear it no longer then 30 minutes or until you feel it’s getting wet. You can take it out by grabbing the rubber band and not touching the front of the mask. You can still use the protective mask after repeating the directions in point 8 of this manual. Clean protective masks should be kept in washed, bioled, dryed and ironed cotton bags. That’s why you should sew at least few protective masks and cotton bags for yourself and for your loved ones. You can use your old cloths (made from cotton) that you’re not going to wear anymore. If you don’t have a sewing machine you can sew the protective mask manually.


S, M, L



Spójrz na naszą tabelę rozmiarów i wybierz ten, który najlepiej do Ciebie pasuje.

L – dla osób o pełnej twarzy
M – dla osób o średniej twarzy
S – dla dzieci lub osób o małej i drobnej twarzy
Size L – for people with full face
Size M – for people with medium face
Size S – for children or people with small face

Rekomendacje materiałowe

  • Fabric reccomendation: Cotton, medical nonwoven fabric


Ile materiału potrzebujesz:

  • Maseczka 2-warstowa: 20x70cm fabric needed

Informacje o wykroju

Wersja elektroniczna:

PL: Wersja elektroniczna w formacie pdf do pobrania bezpłatnie i wydrukowania na domowej drukarce.

EN: The protective mask sewing pattern is free. You can download it and print it at home on your desk printer.